Smash Cars Trophy Guide
Written by kjkg

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Platinum Path/Custom Roadmap title


Trophy Difficulty: Easy
Offline Trophies: 12
Online Trophies: 0
Minimum number of play throughs: 1
Number of miss-able trophies: 1
Known glitched trophies: 0

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Demolition Master
Hit 15 objects in any single player level (original content). you must earn a bronze medal or higher in order to unlock the trophy.
This will no doubt come without trying, and come very early. There are objects dotted all over the place, and some increase your boost bar, so don't be shy to hit the objects, such as watermelons and bottles.

Air Time Expert
Get 75 seconds of air in any single player level (original content). you must earn a bronze medal or higher in order to unlock the trophy.
This can be tricky. And don't bother attempting it untill the last race stages. The tracks dont have enough jumps or length to get anywhere near 75 seconds. Wait until the Highway, and try. Jump off every ramp you see. Plus, since you need to come third at least, I highly recommend doing some tricks so you can use boost, as you lose alot of speed in the jumps.

Star Collector
Accumulate 270 stars in single player mode using your best score from each level (original content).
This isn't too bad, and you will get this or be very close to it by the time you have completed all the tricks. If you want to know your total, you have to manually add which is a bit of a pain. If you look through all the tracks and see a track with a low star count on it, do it again and just go crazy. It will not pose you any problems.

Complete 15 air tricks in any single player level (original content). you must earn a bronze medal or higher in order to unlock the trophy.
Use the same tactics as Smash Cars Superstar and you will probably get this at the same time. It is fairly easy. If you are only going for the 15 tricks, and not the 30 stars too, just do 15 backflips. You can do them on a flat section so will be easy to get.

Lap Champ
Beat all base lap times in every single player level (original content).
This and Race Ace are the hardest trophies in the game in my opinion. Before a race, you can see what your best time is on the course and by pressing you can see what the base time is. This is the time to beat. You need to know the courses really well and the car. You need to take all the shortcuts too. Try and try again is the best advice. It is achievable. Remember that boosts help, but jumps rarely do, so aim more for boosts via the watermelons and bottles. Also, remember that if you drive under a moving car you get a full boost.

Luckily this is only for one lap, so you can practice on the first few, before really going for it.

Race Ace
Beat all base race times in every single player level (original content).
This and Lap Champ are the hardest trophies in the game in my opinion. This one just edges it in difficulty. In the early stages, it isn't too bad, but when you get to the Highway, it becomes a bit difficult. You need to do all the laps within the base Lap time to have a chance of beating the base Race time. The first lap, you can afford to be a second or two off the pace, but the next ones, you have to put in very fast AND consistent laps.

Same advice as before, use a fast car that you like and remember boost is your friend, big jumps aren't.

Smash Cars Superstar
Get 30 stars in one single player level (original content). you must earn a bronze medal or higher in order to unlock the trophy.
This isn't too hard. When you unlock a fast car like the Bullet, it becomes easier. Get a course you are good at and go for jumps at every oppurtunity. The best way to get stars is to backflip twice. It doesn't give you the most stars but is easy to land, and gives you alot of boost. The Highway seems to have the most jumps so try there.

Smart Driver
Find all the shortcuts in every single player level (original content). you must earn bronze medals or higher in order to unlock the trophy.
There are three courses that don't have any shorcuts, but the majority do. The advantage is that by the end of the game, you will realise that all the tracks link together in some way. So once you know the shorcut for a few of the races you will know them all. Ill list them below for you though.


Safe Driver
Complete all single player levels without crashing or using any respawns (original content).
This won't come quickly but isn't that hard. You can find out how many respawns you have used in the stats screen before a race by pressing . If you are trying to get 100% then this will come when going for Race Ace.